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Are you in the Race Yet?

Are you in the Race Yet?

Challenge 30
began February 15 and thousands have responded! I hope you have joined the race with us. It’s not too late to accept the Challenge and complete at least one of our Bible courses by March 15.

How’s it going for you?

This Challenge is to make a way for people to have a workable plan and a systematic way of making time to get into God’s word. If we are to know the mind and will of God we must read and study His word. If we are to have more faith we must spend more time in His word. If we are to be pleasing to Him when Jesus comes again we must be obeying and sharing His word as well. Being a better student of God’s word can change your mind, your life, your family, your church and our world.

If you haven’t started the Challenge, today is your day. If you need a recommended course here is one for you. Who Is Jesus (4 short, engaging lessons on the 4 Gospels)

Click here for more information on the Challenge?  CHALLENGE 30!

If you have completed a course we would be pleased to hear back from you what you learned from it. Also, select another course and see how much you can accomplish between now and March 15. Challenge a friend to take the Challenge.

Karelin wrote this: I have completed one lesson from my challenge and I can't wait to get through it all...I'm truly happy I took this challenge. ..God's blessing on this institution for all you're doing to promoted His kingdom here on earth.   To God be the Glory. 

Please help us by praying that God will be doing some great things in the lives of all those involved in the Challenge.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  2/27/2015 4:56 PM
Number of Views:  5470

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