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The Wonder of it All!

The Wonder of it All!


It is evident that God wants people to be saved. He literally moved Heaven and earth to get everyone in place for His Son's coming into the world to be the Savior. He moved Heaven by creating a special star to point anyone interested to follow it to the Savior Himself (See Matt.2:1-12) . Only a few wise men took Him up on it, as far as we know. But it was there for all to see and follow anyway. He moved the earth by having Caesar Augustus to force everyone to the place of their birth to register for a tax (See Luke 2:1ff) This of course brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem so Jesus could be born at the correct place according to ancient prophecy (Micah 5:2). He still does the same thing today. Those of us who are saved, He was willing to bring about some amazing occurrences to get the Gospel to us so that we could hear it, believe it and have eternal life!

If you do not know the Savior today, consider what God has done to save you. It is truly amazing. If you consider the evidence, you will begin to see just how God loves you and wants to save, not just a mass of people, but you, personally. Those of us who know Christ, let's never lose the wonder of it all! This month on BBN, we are airing some of the most beautiful Christmas music this side of Heaven so that people may tune in, hear the music, then listen to the Bible teaching that exalts the Savior and come to know Him! We also offer a fascinating Bible course that will help you to appreciate in a new light the sacrifice that our Savior made. Course 10700, Old Testament Prophecies of Christ, highlights the Old Testament prophecies given hundreds of years before Christ and point clearly to Him.( We trust this will stir your heart to worship the Savior who freely gave Himself for you that you can have abundant life!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  12/15/2015 11:37 AM
Number of Views:  5304

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