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Imagine this scene if you will. You are standing before the Lord Jesus in all His majestic grace and holiness at His Judgment Seat, and He extends His hand across your path of vision to a large group of ecstatically joyous people, all rejoicing because of something you had a part in!  How could this be, you might honestly ask?  It so happens that these people are there because they saw their need of the Savior and trusted Him to save them, which He did.  How wonderful this is, but what does it have to do with you?  The way they found out about their need of Christ was through a Bible study they took while on earth that clearly presented the Gospel to them after having received truth concerning salvation in Scripture.  As they intently listened and studied, they realized they were sinful and in need of the Savior and gladly believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and were gloriously saved!  

Again, this is such a beautiful account, but you are still puzzled to see the connection between these saved souls and anything you may have done. Then you are told that such a simple act, done by you while on earth from the pure motive of desiring to see souls saved and lives changed through faith in Christ, you handed someone an ITL card (Invite to Listen) regarding the free online BBN Bible Institute, and God used that to point these souls to Christ. Now you see it!  What inexpressible joy comes to your heart as you realize that God in His infinite grace and love, used you to simply help a lost beggar find the Bread of Life that you had found yourself.

Could this happen in reality at the coming Judgment Seat of Christ? We believe so according to the Bible.  Jesus himself said that simply giving a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple to someone in need brings reward.  This being so, certainly sharing the Water of Life to a thirsty soul would bring reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ!  
By the way, we have seen this very thing happen from the perspective of this life, and on more than one occasion. A person has come to study in the BBN Bible Institute and realized they were without Christ and then trusted Him as Savior!  Why don't you share the Institute with someone today? (Order ITL's here).  Oh, and one more thing, you can study what Scripture says about the Judgment Seat of Christ for believers (Course 52300).

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  7/14/2016 1:38 PM
Number of Views:  5065

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