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Encouragement in the Storm

in the Storm

A family had decided to take a vacation, and as they were in Florida during hurricane season, they ran into a terrible storm that caught them by surprise. It wasn’t long before their car became stuck in a ditch, and the quickly flooding waters caused the car to stall, and within literally a few short minutes, the car was almost filled with water. The family got out and found a temporary respite on a built-up road that seemed to be leading back toward drier land. Yet the rain and wind was blowing so hard they could hardly see anything and they began to fear that they would all die in the storm! At just that moment, the young daughter of the family caught something with her eye that seemed to be a faint flicker of light, and she pointed it out to her Dad, who said in desperation, “let’s keep heading toward that faint flicker!” As they trudged along, while the winds and heavy rains as well as debris in the air almost stopped them multiple times, the closer they got, the clearer the little light became until they could begin to see a yard with a little house on a hill, that was far enough inland to be beyond the flooding. As they stepped up on the small porch of the modest wood frame house, the door opened and a man and his wife called them to come in, where they were finally safe from the raging storm! As they began to dry off and get some rest inside, they saw that the light they’d seen far away that began as the faintest of flickers was a candle the little daughter of this family had suggested they put in the window just in case anyone stranded may see it and make their way to safety! Who would have thought that such a simple act would literally save the lives of an entire family?

In the same way, we never know how a simple act of kindness may be just what a weary soul may need to give them the will to continue in life when they may have come to the point of despairing of life itself. Even if no one else sees it, God does! In times of raging wickedness when it seems that no one may notice the acts of kindness and grace that believers do through the power of Christ, our Savior takes note and is able to use it to bless the lives of others. Malachi 3:16 says, Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name. The BBN Bible Institute has a great free Bible course on the Book of Malachi, the last Book of the Old Testament written during a time in which even God’s people had backslidden far from Him, but a small remnant remained faithful.

If you need some encouragement yourself, this course would be a blessing, 31000 Malachi taught by Dr. Donald Barnhouse at Who knows, someone else needing encouragement may be blessed just by your mentioning this course to them! If you receive a blessing, be sure to share it with your friends!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  9/1/2016 4:24 PM
Number of Views:  5415

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