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It seems cyber crime and the more recognizable term identity theft is on a sharp rise as criminals sitting behind computer screens know how to deceive even professionals that have fallen prey to these thieves’ highly deceptive schemes. One of the basic keys that allow them to succeed is their ability to make the false appear genuine though it remains deceptively false! There is also a criminal among us that would seek to steal our eternal soul! Yet, our God has given us all truth in His Word, and even though the devil himself who is behind all this deception seeks to destroy us, God in His love and wisdom, knows that only by contrasting truth with error do we really learn and absorb at a rapid rate! 78% of all members of religious cults were once members of Christian denominations, so our enemy seeks to confuse us and he has many workers in false cults. Thankfully we have the answer to all confusion in our Lord Jesus Christ and His Word the Bible! If you’d like to learn more, we have a free resource to help you! BBN Bible Institute, offers a free course Beware of the Cults taught by Walter Martin, course number 52700. At BBNBI you can study anytime 24/7 and all of our 118 courses are at no cost to you. Click here to begin now.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  7/19/2017 4:25 PM
Number of Views:  5149

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