They Didn't Know What They Were Missing
They Didn't Know- what they were missing
Benjamin Franklin was attending a meeting in Paris, France with the Literary Society. Each attendee was asked to select an excerpt from literature they esteemed as exceptional and then read their selection before the society fellows. Each man read his favorite and then Franklin read his. The entire group was moved with noticeable appreciation of his story choice (He did not tell them he read to them the book of Ruth). They inquired how they could have possibly overlooked such a fine piece of Literature in their years of reading and research. Mr. Franklin then confided that his selection was from the Holy Scriptures and that the Scriptures were worth their attention.
Some, like Franklin, appreciate the genius of the Literature but miss the eternal truths that transform lives. In the Bible you will learn of Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He has something of value in His Word that you need each day. Those who read, study and obey are the wiser and richer for it. One Bible student expressed these thoughts.
When I prayerfully look in this precious old Book, Much pleasure and treasure I see; Many tokens of love from a Father above, Who is nearest and dearest to me. This Book is my guide, a friend at my side, It lightens and brightens my day; Each promise I find soothes and gladdens my mind, As I read and heed it today.
The Bible can bring you help and hope, cleansing from guilt and shame, right beliefs and honorable behavior, worthwhile purpose and lasting peace.
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Written By:
Shannon DyessThey Didn't Know
Date Posted:
8/9/2017 10:55 AM
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