Ready Antidote
Ready Antidote
Charles Spurgeon once asked a discouraged young preacher who had come to him because he rarely saw people saved under his ministry if he expected people to be saved every time he preached. The young man responded that of course he did not and Mr. Spurgeon responded that this was a large part of the reason he did not see people come to Christ.
The presence of Christ should be so evident in our lives that sinners see we have been transformed by Him. In Philippians 2:15, Paul said that we are to shine as lights among a perverse generation! We are to be ready ambassadors to give out the gospel as God’s antidote to sin. O that we would be more passionate and persistent and expectant in disseminating the gospel. Because he had no mental reservations, Paul was ready to go to Rome with the gospel because he was absolutely sure that it was powerful enough to save the most defiled! Since unbelievers can often sense our motives when we witness to them, how can we come to genuinely care for and earn the right to share Christ with them? Romans chapters 12-16 give us tremendous truths for this very purpose!
BBN Bible Institute offers a wonderful free course on this very subject, 51000 Romans--A Practical Aspect, that is as much fun to study as it is helpful. Check it out and then tell your friends!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
9/15/2017 11:27 AM
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