There Are Giants Out There!
There Are Giants Out There!
8’11” tall, 440 pounds, a size 37 shoe? It’s true! Robert Pershing Wadlow holds the record as the tallest man in recorded modern history. He was normal size at birth, but as a result of a dysfunctional gland, he began to grow abnormally. By age 10 he was already taller than his father and in his senior class photo, he towered above his classmates. Although, he died at age 22, he was remembered by many as the “gentle giant.”
There are also giants in Scripture: normal people who grew to dwarf their peers spiritually. Spiritual giants attract us to learn from them and inspire us to become greater in stature in godly character and legacy. Some of these in God’s word include: Moses, a giant in leadership and humility; Elijah, a giant in prayer; Daniel, a giant in living right in a wrong world, Paul, a giant in sharing the Gospel, and Joseph, a giant in forgiveness.
God’s word is all about growth, and He provides us with the means to to take giant steps toward spiritual maturity. Select one of our Biblical Character Studies in the BI and take a giant step toward more spiritual growth this summer (invite a friend to do the same).
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
6/26/2018 4:03 PM
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