Our Christmas Gift to You!
Christmas Gift
to You! What would be the greatest gift you could possibly give someone?
The greatest gift a Christian can share with another person is Christ. There is none other like Him and He alone can receive a sinner and make him a child of God. So one of the greatest gifts we can share is the truth of this Savior so that our friends, family, and acquaintances might have His everlasting life. Another gift of inestimable value is helping another person come to understand God’s word better. It is His word that He uses to cleanse and change our minds and lives. It is then that we can begin to be, live, and love as He desires for us.
Here’s a 38 second video you can post on Facebook or on Twitter to invite your friends to listen to all-Christian Christmas music on BBN radio.
Merry Christmas from all of us at BBN Bible Institute!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
12/5/2018 1:47 PM
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