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Just Do It!

Have you noticed that with certain events come certain expectations and requirements?  When the weather begins to warm and trees begin to bud and colorful flowers dance in the wind, you know Spring has come. When Spring comes, the grass grows and requires mowing.

With every blessing, there are corresponding responsibilities and requirements. So it is with learning new truths in God’s Word. For every truth we learn, God has attached to it certain expectations and stewardship responsibilities.True learning is truth that confronts us with a need to change. If we keep thinking and living like we are now, our lives will never change.

God’s Word is meant to change our minds and our living. With the help of God’s Word, His Spirit, and our own actions, we can change our living. God wants to move us beyond the know stage to the do stage.

James, the brother of Jesus, was at one time a hearer but not a doer. He had seen the life of Jesus and heard His words but did not believe or do. But after the resurrection of Jesus, the light came on and he became a believer and a doer. God had him pen these words in Scripture: “Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” He went on to say, if we are merely hearers we are deceiving our own selves.

Just as sure as wind comes with Spring, doing goes with learning. Become a doer. Just do it!

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  8/14/2019 4:11 PM
Number of Views:  3524

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