We Must All Appear…
We Must All Appear…
The Gospel of the grace of God is sometimes criticized for being soft on sin so that the genuine believer, now forgiven for all sin, is free to sin without restraint and with no threat of coming judgment. Though some may abuse the grace so freely given by our Savior, is it true that there is no motivation to holy living beyond the desire to avoid temporal consequences for sin? A young man who had come to Christ as a teen seemed to be aimlessly wandering through his Christian life until he realized that all believers will stand before the Savior at the Bema (judgment seat for Christians) and will be judged according to their works as believers to reveal whether or not they will receive rewards. When he began to study Scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, he soon realized there is far more to the Christian life than simply being born again! His pastor remarked how from that point on, that young man became a vibrant believer, living for his Savior and also for the good of others! The reality of our appearance before the One who gave His all for us, should cause us to desire above all else to live to please Him! We have an excellent course at BBNbi.org dealing with this important truth: 52300 The Bema Seat. We hope you will give it a look and share it with your friends!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
2/21/2020 3:40 PM
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