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Right Doctrine Real Hope

Uncertain times -

The circumstances in our world are unusual, changing and insecure- but our God is on the scene and in control! God tells us in the Bible in II Timothy 3 that we are in the last days and that these are days of evil and violence. He warns His children to expect persecution and suffering. However, God does not leave us without hope! In the same chapter He emphasizes our need for and our confidence in doctrine. Right doctrine (accurate beliefs) is critical and the Scriptures are given to help us grow and improve in the world in which we now live.

This time of year, regardless of the situation in which we personally find ourselves, is the perfect time to study God’s Word. In it we will find wisdom, doctrine, direction, security and hope. Here are some courses in our free Bible Institute that you will find helpful in the New Year. Please select one of these and begin your studies today and then share a link with others.

01100 The Bible from God to Us (How God brought the Bible to us and how to study it.)
11600 Mysteries of the Kingdom (The final pieces of Biblical prophecy are coming together and Christ’s kingdom is inevitably coming to our earth.)
50100 What on Earth is God Doing (With the changes we see occurring in our world, how do these fit into God’s grand plan for our world?)

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  1/7/2021 3:11 PM
Number of Views:  3598

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