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There Is Good News!

An often heard message among believers in Christ is that one day Christ will return for His church and we will then leave this world and be with Christ forever! There is no more comforting thought that a believer can entertain than this glorious thought! Yet, though we do look forward to leaving this sinful old world, there is also another consideration to think of. The vast majority of this world is unsaved and bound for an eternity in hell apart from Christ and from all that is good. God has given us His Son Jesus Christ as our Sin-bearer and through faith in Him we have found eternal salvation! Since this is true, God has also called us to tell the world about the Savior so that they can be saved just as we are. Yet, sometimes we see this daunting task as utterly impossible and rather than try to tell the world about Christ, instead we often huddle up together and think about the time that we will be in Heaven while the world continues to die without hearing the greatest news ever told.

How can we possibly begin to tell the entire world about Christ? Well, by ourselves, it is impossible! But wait, there is good news! God does not expect us to do this alone! He has sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts for many reasons, and one of the most important reasons is to empower us to tell the world about Christ the Savior! In Paul’s day, he could genuinely say that the whole known world had at least heard the Gospel of Christ! (See Col.1:5-6) The Holy Spirit was the One who enabled Paul and the apostles to get the Word of Christ to the entire known world in that generation and He can do it again!

BBN BI is delighted to present course number 10400, the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit as taught by Dr. Earl Radmacher. In this great course, our instructor makes the point that we should be as interested in reaching this world for Christ as we are in leaving it and going to Heaven to be with Christ! The more people that we tell about Christ, the closer in fellowship we will walk with Christ because He does not desire that any should perish but that all would come to repentance! (See 2 Pe.3:9) As you take this course through the BBN Bible Institute, remember that you are a part of a ministry that is reaching the world for Jesus Christ. May this truth spur us on to love those for whom Christ died and tell them the wonderful news that Jesus saves!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  12/12/2007 9:30 AM
Number of Views:  7064

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