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Come Clean!

A man in his seventies came to Christ for salvation, and immediately he began to desire to read and study God’s Word where he had never wanted to before. However, as he began to study the Bible and in attempting to memorize some Scriptures, to his dismay he found that he could not remember as well as he once could. His pastor visited him not long after he had begun trying to memorize Scripture and asked how he was doing in his walk with the Lord. “Pastor, I’m just plain discouraged, that’s what I am,” came the answer. His pastor, concerned at hearing this, asked him what the problem was. The man told him that though he was earnestly trying to memorize the Scriptures, the majority he had at one time committed to memory had since slipped from his mind and he had forgotten them. He said in frustration, “Pastor, my mind’s just not as sharp as it used to be and it’s just like a bucket with a hole in it. When I try to memorize verses, most of them slip away from me.” The pastor, on hearing this wisely responded, “Ernie, don’t you fret about that one bit. Remember this, that even if your mind is like a bucket with a hole in it, you just keep running God’s Word through it because one thing’s for sure, you’ll have a clean bucket!” Paul said that Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it that He might sanctify it and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word! (See Ephesians 5:25-27)

The BBN Bible Institute has 102 courses in English as well as others in Spanish and Chinese with more planned. Each time that we study the Word of God, that Word can cleanse our hearts and minds which is to translate into our daily life where we meet others and can impact their lives with the Word! The Psalmist asked how a young man might cleanse his way and the answer came back, “by taking heed thereto according to Thy Word!” (See Psalm 119:9)

The BBN Bible Institute has been designed to help us impact our world with the Word of God that is living and powerful!

After the Introductory Studies division you will find the Bible Doctrines Division that includes such great courses as 10700, Old Testament Prophecies of Christ and 11300, The Claims of Christ among many others. Yet immediately after this division comes the Christian Living and Family Studies Division which includes such practical courses as 20300, Love in the Home and 21200, Putting Your Past Behind You. Only the Word of God can cleanse our hearts and make an eternal difference not only in our lives but in the lives of those in which we come in contact. The Gospel is a very important part of the Word of God, and it is the power of God unto salvation! The blood of Christ shed at the cross is the heart of the Gospel and the Gospel is the heart of the Bible, so the Word of God is all-important! Come study it with us and come clean!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  2/28/2008 4:26 PM
Number of Views:  6951

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