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Have you ever heard anyone say that the Bible teaches that just before the coming of Christ, weather patterns will be strange and that this will actually be a sign that the end of time as we know it is near? Well, I must admit that I once thought that as well! During a seminar, the speaker mentioned this, and said that it was not actually taught in the Bible! Well, I got right to looking through the Scriptures, just sure that I could prove him wrong! Do you know what? He proved me wrong instead! The Bible does not teach this often stated but mistaken notion.

Actually there are many notions floating around the Christian world regarding the end times that are very dear to people but are simply not taught in the Bible. It is very important that we be sure we believe the right things about the Bible because error spreads very quickly. The Bible does teach that those of us that teach the Word of God are to be held to a stricter account at Christ’s Judgment Seat because what we believe about the Word of God is all-important. (See James 3:1)

The BBN Bible Institute is thankful to be able to offer some fine courses on the End Times. These courses are scattered throughout the several divisions of the Institute. One such course is number 10800, The Doctrine of Eschatology as taught by Dr. Dwight Pentecost. A study of the future in Scripture always ought to help us desire to live better and closer to the Lord in this life right now, because we will face the Lord one day at His Judgment Seat. May the Lord bless you as you study His Word in the BBN Bible Institute!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  3/17/2008 12:16 PM
Number of Views:  7021

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