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From Dust to Dust

Staci was trying to answer her seven year old son's question concerning death and bodies turning to dust.  She patiently tried to explain to Andre that man was created by God from dust and after death returns to dust, “from dust to dust”.  About thirty minutes later Andre and his mother were in his bedroom trying to find a missing baseball cleat.  Staci instructed him to crawl under his bed and look.  From underneath his bed she heard him say: “There’s a lot of dust under here; someone must either be coming into this world or going out!"  (I think Andre’s mother has some more explaining to do.)

Are you aware that your concept of how man came into our world and your view of his sinfulness affect how you look at all of life?

We look around our world and see its consuming chaos, confusion, crime, and catastrophes and we scratch our heads and wonder: “Whose fault is this?  What’s next? What’s after this life?"

If we are to make rational sense of these questions and the many others that concern our human existence, habits, sin, mortality, and destiny, then we need to consult the Bible on the Doctrine of Man.

BBN Bible Institute has a great course to recommend for your study: The Doctrine of Man (#11400), by Renald Showers.  If you have not yet taken this thought provoking course we invite you to do so soon.  Please pass an invitation along to your friends.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  7/7/2008 2:42 PM
Number of Views:  7230

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