Inquiring Minds Want to Know!
time I pass by one of those buildings, usually dilapidated, old
buildings, that are in certain stages of disrepair, that house
of so-called psychics and palm-readers, I wonder what type things go on
in them! I can honestly say, however, that I have never once been
tempted to go into a place where such people ply their trade
such as psychic readers and the like, because as a believer in Christ
I already know the truth of what is to happen in the future. You too
as a believer know the same truth, it is not some hidden truth
reserved only for the elite among us, because the Lord wants all of
His children to know what is to come so we can be ready and tell
others how to be ready as well.
lest we give the impression that such as psychic readers and the like
are harmless fun, may I add that there is likely a particle of truth
in what they say and do, but deception is the
foundation of it all, and is designed by the enemy of our souls to destroy the
faith of some and to keep others from ever knowing the truth and
coming to Christ. This is serious and very real spiritual warfare
that we are involved in as believers whether we are aware of it or
The BBN Bible Institute is grateful for the opportunity to offer
two different and yet corresponding courses that should be a help to you who want to understand the true and the false concerning the
future. Course number 11500, Five Future Events and course
number 50700, Science, Astrology and he Cults should be great
resources to help the believer to avoid the pitfalls that could arise
in seeking to know the truth of what the future holds. Drs. John
Walvoord and Walter Martin, respectively, are the teachers in these
courses and we hope you will study these to your spiritual benefit.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
8/12/2008 1:53 PM
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