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Let's Deal With It

We all have problems and pains that just seem to plague our minds that just won't leave us alone. We try to push these thoughts away and just go on with life, but sometimes there comes the point that we can't just go on anymore. We may appear to be doing very well, and even those nearest to us may not be aware that we are dying inside. We may not even know how to express the sorrow and pain we are feeling.

What do we do when these feelings overwhelm us and we reach such an impasse? We may have tried to work out a solution in our minds but we keep coming back up against a dead end and a brick wall from which we just cannot get past. From day to day the pain remains the same or even increases in intensity, yet we are powerless to stop it or even arrest its power over us. It may be a bitter experience from our past, or an ongoing difficulty or addiction in our present life that we just can't overcome, but either way, it is draining our vitality from us. What do we do in such a case?

Dr. Erwin Lutzer, teacher of the BBN BI course number 21200, Putting Your Past Behind You, says, "If we want our past to be broken and its negative influence smashed, a good place to begin is to tell God!" Though we may feel that even God cannot help us, this is a lie of the enemy because there is nothing too difficult for God. Dr. Lutzer has more good news, and that is that the presence of emotional scars in our lives only means that there has been at least some healing taking place!  And, even if we still have open wounds, God can help us to begin again. We are happy to be able to offer this helpful course in our free online Bible Institute to help some deal with these difficult problems by bringing the Word of God to bear on them. Perhaps you or someone you know could be helped and blessed by this course that focuses on the truth of God's Word and provides healing and help for the soul.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  3/3/2009 2:58 PM
Number of Views:  7797

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