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At this point in the year it does not matter how well you began- but, it does matter how you will finish! We hope you will close out our year with a good study in God’s Word with your mind focused upon Christ. BBNBI has a new course you will want to check out – 52700, Beware of the Cults. This study is taught by one of the most recognized authorities on cults – Dr. Walter Martin. He takes the student to the Word of God to filter the teachings of 7 cult religions to see if they measure up to Scripture and Christian doctrine.
BBNBI wishes you a Merry Christmas and that your Christmas season will be one in which Christ is preeminently honored. We honor his birth but also recognize, Jesus is no longer a babe in the manger- He is Lord of lords and King of kings!
Written By: Shannon Dyess Date Posted: 12/16/2009 2:09 PM Number of Views: 7687