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Peter wrote in the Scriptures of Christ: "To Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." We sometimes wonder how this can ever occur, when we see the state of our world, and the mess in which it is. But, we can also be reminded that the Lord sees the end from the beginning and that He knows and understands all that is in between, so He is able to make this happen as we know His Word teaches that it will be. But until the time when our Lord Jesus sits on the Throne and rules over this entire universe in peace and righteousness, He is able to give us His peace in our hearts no matter the situation we face.
Sometimes people question how a loving God could allow the sickness and suffering that we see in the world. We don't pretend to be able to adequately answer all questions of this nature, but God's Word does have the answers! God tells us that all suffering and sickness and the ultimate enemy, death, have come into the world through our sin, and that from the beginning it was not so in God's once-perfect creation. But God has still offered the most amazing and magnificent gift in all eternity, and that is His Son who died on the cross to pay the just penalty for our sins! If we will come to Him in simple childlike trust and receive Him as our Savior, we will be given the free gift of eternal life! Not just a future hope that will be ours when we die, but a wonderful reality that begins at the moment we trust Christ as Savior!
All these wonderful truths and many more are in God's Word. Come learn with us what God has for us in the free online BBN Bible Institute at bbnbi.org. You'll be glad you did, and by the way, tell a friend.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
1/29/2010 10:56 AM
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