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Bible Institute Now Open!
After months of preparation, the Bible Broadcasting Network has just opened classes in its new BBN Bible Institute Online. This newest educational tool combines the technology of the Internet with the audio of radio broadcasting to offer an innovative way of studying the Bible right in your home or office.
Have you ever wanted to attend Bible College, but for various reasons were not able to do so? You wanted to study the Bible at a level that comes with a college curriculum, but you did not want to leave home, enroll, take tests and write papers because you were not interested as much in the "paper degree" as in the opportunity for increased learning. Or, maybe you lived in an area that did not have a local Bible college, or your schedule would not permit attending such a course of study. Well now there is a way for you to quickly and easily get started doing just what you desired.
The student who enrolls in the BBNBI will find a variety of helpful courses covering a broad area of Bible study and all courses are designed to equip him or her to know and use the Bible more effectively in their daily lives.
These courses, ranging from Bible Doctrines to practical Christian Living, are taught by some of the most outstanding Bible teachers who have ever lived. 50 Courses are laid out in a user-friendly way. Upon completion of a course of study, there is automatic grading system to assist you in keeping account of how you are progressing in your studies. Certificates designating completion are also provided.
Register today and let's study God's Word!
In the photo, are the folks who put BBNBI together for you, including those that prepared the audio lessons, tests, exams and software.
Written By:
Richard Johnson
Date Posted:
5/31/2006 5:05 PM
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