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The Judgment Seat Of Christ

The fact that Jesus is our Savior is a wonderful, comforting truth that we, as believers in Him, are thankful to experience! Sometimes we tend to forget, however, that the same wonderful Person that is our Savior will also be our Judge as we must all give Him an accounting for how we have lived our Christian lives. This of course is very different from the Great White Throne Judgment of all unsaved people that the apostle John teaches about in the Book of the Revelation. So, this time of accounting has nothing to do with where we will spend eternity, but it has much to do with how we will spend it!

Only saved people and all saved people will appear at the Judgment Seat of Christ to see what rewards that we will receive. Paul gives rather extended teaching regarding this sobering future time for us in certain of his epistles in the New Testament. Since this is true and all believers will face this coming judgment and the Bible has extensive teaching about this judgment, shouldn’t we as believers take every opportunity to learn about it?

The BBN Bible Institute is thankful to offer Course number 52300 in the Electives Division of the Institute concerning the Bema or Judgment Seat of Christ taught by the late Dr. Charles Wagner. Those of you who have taken any of Dr. Wagner’s courses offered through BBN’s Bible Institute know the thoroughness of his teaching as well as the warmth of his delivery. As a pastor, Dr. Wagner often taught Bible books in an expository manner, bringing out the truths in a practical way so as to help in applying them in daily living. There could hardly be a more pressing need than to prepare ourselves to face our Lord at His Judgment Seat now while there is still time to do so. To know about this awesome time awaiting every believer without doing anything about it only increases our responsibility toward our Lord.

Yet this truth should not cause us to fear but to persevere in our faith! The Lord is rich in mercy and abundant in grace to allow us as His children to earn rewards that will be to His glory and our good throughout all eternity! We ought to have a forward look toward the coming Kingdom of our Lord when His faithful followers will reign with Him! The time to prepare for tomorrow is today and we at the BBN Bible Institute trust that this course especially, along with the others offered will help us to do just that.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  4/9/2007 1:47 PM
Number of Views:  7124

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