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Stand For The Truth

Some months ago I sat on the patio of a senior saint and with tears in her eyes she shared a too familiar story. 

“My husband and I helped build the buildings of our church; we supported it with our money and service.  My kids, grand kids, and my great grand kids go there,  but everything has changed and I do not feel like I belong any more.  The leadership has thrown out the hymn books; there is no longer a choir but a praise team. The spirit of the church is now one of conflict. What am I to do?”

“Have you looked for another place to worship,” I asked?  “Yes, but all the others churches I have tried are in the same situation,” she responded. “Have you shared your feelings with your Pastor,” I asked next? “Yes,” she replied with obvious hurt. “What did he say,” I queried? “ He said I knew where the back door is.” I tried to leave her with an encouraging word but I left with a heavy heart.

There is much change in churches today similar to those mentioned by this disheartened lady. Some Pastors are saying we must accept the changes for the sake of our children.  They tell us the young people do not like “our music” and we must give them “Praise and Worship” (worldly “Christian” rock) if we want them to come.  

There are some things that should not change. God does not change, His Word and His ways do not change.  Change is sometimes necessary but it should not come at the expense of throwing out all that is dear and at the expense of peace and unity among the brethren.  Some that would like to stand feel ashamed or apologetic about speaking their opposition to some of these things.

There are right ways to oppose and to take stands against what is wrong.  We must stand.  Too often we wait until it’s too late to rescue what is precious to us and to our Heavenly Father.      Paul and James in the New Testament wrote about the need for purity, peaceableness, and unity. God would have someone like you to courageously stand up and kindly call for things to be in line with God’s holy Word.  If you do not stand, chances are no one will. 

Some people are hesitant to take a stand because they do not know God’s Word well enough to defend its truths before those who want to change things and tear down that which God has honored and blessed.

Maybe you need to better understand God’s Word so you will be less likely to be deceived or led wrongly by those who would lead the church doctrinally astray.  We pray that BBN-BI will be a help to you.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  4/30/2007 9:16 AM
Number of Views:  7593

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