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Foundation Of Truth

It seems everywhere you look people are abandoning the truth of God’s Word for new ideas and methods of men, books, and programs that promise more numbers and good feelings. It is only the Foundation of Truth that will sustain when the winds of compromise, “free interpretation”, and bad doctrine are blowing people and churches off course.  Only the Foundation of Truth will keep us secure when others wobble, waver, and wander.  It will keep our footing solid when the storms of life come crashing into our lives uninvited and unwanted.

Some today preach and teach if we have enough faith- troubles, failure, disaster, disease, and even death will not be allowed into our lives.  Reality and reason cause us to question these deceptive notions.  What does the Bible say?  The words of God are truth; it is in them we must resort, revert, and reside.

The Apostle Paul wrote his mentor, Timothy, and all subsequent disciples of Jesus Christ: “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, but evil men and seducers (charismatic deceivers) shall become worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.  But you, continue in the things which you have learned and have been assured of…”

Many have become satisfied and complacent in learning God’s Word.  They think- “A sermon a week keeps the devil away.”  We must shake ourselves and walk away from our lethargy.  We must study and grow in our knowledge of God’s Word, not only the New Testament, but also the Old Testament.

We invite you to browse our selection of Old Testament studies and select one. We need to know the whole council of God.  In our world that is shifting, sliding, and self-imploding, the surest footing is the Foundation of Truth.  God’s Word is truth and Christ is the foundation.  We must be careful what we lay on top of the Foundation or remove from it.

The hymn writer of another century masterfully addressed this thought: “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” 

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Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  5/21/2007 4:01 PM
Number of Views:  7026

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