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Most Likely To Deny Christ!
 We have all heard of awards for such things as the one most likely to succeed, or the one most likely to get married and start a family and such like. Have we ever, however, heard of an award for the one most likely to……deny Christ? I believe we all know who is under discussion here! It seems that when the question is asked of which original disciple of Jesus we resonate with the most, the answer most often comes back, Peter! This is the same Peter who later became the apostle Peter, the rock-like figure who fearlessly prophesies of the cataclysmic end of this world! Yet in the Gospel accounts, we see Peter as the man who loved his Lord so much that he often fell flat on his face in trying to serve Him as we so often do. BBN Bible Institute is excited to offer in the 40000 series of studies which is the Bible Characters section a study of the life of Peter. Dr. G. Allen Fleece does a masterful job of uncovering the life of this beloved disciple. For example, we often think of Peter as putting his foot in his mouth when he blurts out things that make us cringe, but Dr. Fleece correctly says that when Peter opens his mouth, he puts his heart in it! As we all do, Peter had a lot to learn in becoming a mature follower of Jesus Christ, but he had the ingredient necessary to accomplish it and that ingredient is love for his Lord Jesus.
When we fail and fall in learning to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we have a friend in Peter who often did the same. But the Word of God wisely recorded it all for us so that we can learn along with Peter as he sits at the feet of his Lord and learns from the Master Himself. Just as the Lord transformed Simon Peter into the great man that he was, He can do with us if we let Him.
If you have not yet studied the life of Peter through the BBN Bible Institute, we recommend course number 40500 to give a delightful yet insightful look into this beloved disciple.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
7/9/2007 11:04 AM
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