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Why Do Things Happen?

Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do in the world? If you have studied history at all, you cannot help but notice that there are definite patterns to events throughout the ages. Another definite reality to be reckoned with is the constant downward pull of humanity toward that which is evil. It is probable that these realities would create the desire in a person to wonder why these things are so.

The BBN BI offers a course that definitely teaches us from the absolute authoritative source as to why these things are so. Course number 50100, What On Earth Is God Doing as taught by Dr. Renald Showers is a fascinating look behind the scenes of world history to interpret why things happen as they do. The fact that the Bible only records the events that occurred until near the 1st century AD doesn’t impede the progress of interpreting the reasons for events of even our day. The Scripture itself gives us the prophecies regarding God’s plan through all the ages of history until the ultimate event of all: the return of His Son to judge the world! Dr. Showers uses the infallible guide of God’s Word to help us untangle the maze of events that have transpired through time up to the present hour. We can see God’s plan for mankind as well as Satan’s insidious counter-plan at work through individuals as well as nations all through time. God’s purposes are never thwarted, though Satan has feverishly attempted to destroy God’s plans at every turn. God’s plan has always been to glorify Himself by using people and events. Satan also wants to glorify himself and at the same time, attempt to destroy God’s plans. Dr. Showers also captivates us through relating actual events and people of the past that have either been used of God or Satan to carry out their respective plans.

One example of this is God’s plan of bringing His Son Jesus Christ into the world to be the Savior. Satan desperately tried to stop the Lord Jesus from coming into the world through various wicked schemes including the maniacal King Herod’s murdering all Jewish male babies in order to eliminate the Messiah. Each time God moves to carry out His holy plan, Satan counters with his wicked counterattack in hopes to stop God’s work. You will recognize names and events throughout even modern history as Dr. Showers helps us to plainly see how both God and Satan use these various means for their own purposes. We trust that you will check out this excellent course in the BBN Bible Institute to help you see more clearly the glory of God being worked out in our world!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  7/30/2007 9:41 AM
Number of Views:  7122

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