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It is a real pleasure for me to write you via e-mail. I’m Mexican and listen to you here in Mexico City. I found out about BBN because someone gave me an ITL card. I feel blessed to have found you. I have enrolled in the BBN Bible Institute and the courses have been a real blessing to my life. I am a teacher and love to teach others. Since I trusted Christ as Savior I have wanted to learn more about the Bible and God. Your Bible Institute is awesome because of the flexibility that it offers and all of the courses are great. I have not ceased to give God the glory for BBN. I pray for you everyday so that you can continue in your work. I would like to get information as to how I can send a contribution to BBN; this is a small way to show my gratitude for what the Lord is doing in my life and in the life of many brothers and sisters in Christ. May the Lord continue to bless BBN!
Y.A. - Mexico City