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There is a high point on Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee where it is said that you can see seven States of the Union from that vantage point.  In the War Between the States, Confederate and Union soldiers recorded this interesting information. I have been to this sight on numerous occasions and it is a picturesque, breath taking view when the weather is nice.

Sometimes it is necessary to see the big picture of something before you can appreciate specifics and the finer details.  God has much to say in the Holy Bible, and there are many powerful and specific truths and thoughts that can affect and change thinking and living for the better.  However, there is a need to get a glimpse of the whole, a panoramic view, to stir an attraction to future inquisitive searches into the particulars and the details.

BBN Bible Institute invites you to study the helpful course, #00500, Survey of The Bible, by Dr. Herb Pugmire.  This study will give you a panoramic view of the 66 books of the Bible.  Dr. Pugmire, a well known Pastor, missionary, and Bible teacher is now in heaven with the Lord, but we have these teachings that we can still share. In five lessons he guides the student through a preview of each book, to introduce the authors, major themes, and important personalities. He concludes with a lesson on some important theological truths concerning the Inspiration of the Bible.  There are key words, ideas, and truths covered here in which every serious student of the Bible needs to have a good grasp.  If you have not yet taken this course, it would be a great one to pursue next.

Have you told your friends about BBN Bible Institute?  They will appreciate hearing this good news from you.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  7/21/2008 10:46 AM
Number of Views:  8664

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