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On his way to an appointment, David pulled a wrinkled Gospel tract from his pocket. He thought it was too wrinkled to give to anyone. However, rather than throw it away he hung it on a thorn bush beside the side walk where he was. A few days later a friend of his, Colt, unexpectedly showed up at his church for an evening service. David had invited Colt time and again to visit his church and had prayed that God would bring him to trust Christ for His forgiveness and salvation. David was astonished to learn that Colt had gone by that same thorn bush and saw this Gospel tract mysteriously hanging in mid air. Colt removed the paper and read it with interest. The Holy Spirit brought him to understand that he was a sinner and that Christ had come to earth to die on the cross to accept God’s wrath for his sin and for the sins of the whole world. For the first time, his heart was stirred to believe in Christ, His death, and resurrection.
It shouldn’t surprise you that David now sees great value in sharing Gospel tracts with people that come across his path during the day. Have you shared lately the good news of Christ’s provision for sinners to be forgiven and made right before God and acceptable to Him? Are you making good use of Gospel literature to share with others that need hope and a Savior? The Word of God is what God uses to bring people to faith in Christ. God wants to use you to verbalize His love for sinners to those with whom you come in contact. Forgiveness of sins, right in the sight of the Holy God of heaven, a cleansed conscience, peace now and hope for eternity: these are too good to keep to yourself. Tell somebody today!
Written By: Shannon Dyess Date Posted: 2/24/2009 2:44 PM Number of Views: 7631