xxx 把 BBN 推荐给南美洲人
Thanks for contacting us; actually i'm aware of BBN and recommend it to Latinos in our STM trips and community outreach, although i'm not that familiar with the teaching programs it offers and i don't know the Chinese dept is here at NC; may God continue blessing you & BBN ministry to bless even more people and bring Him the glory;
感谢您与我们连系。其实我知道 BBN,也在短宣的时候或是在社区里,把 BBN 推荐给南美洲人。不过我不是很熟悉 BBN 的节目,也不知道中文部就在北卡州这里。愿神继续赐福您和 BBN 的事工,藉此赐福更多人,让神得荣耀!