Anytime, Day or Night!
Anytime, Day or Night! The Psalmist said in the very first Psalm, that the blessed person, the one that avoids that which displeases God while making His Word the delight of his life, meditates on the Word of God day and night. This says something very important to us who are students of the Word of God as well as those who want our lives to be blessed by God. This says, the one who will be blessed by God will study His Word when it is convenient as well as when it is inconvenient. Paul exhorts young Timothy the same way in his preaching of the Word, that he is to proclaim it in season and out of season. To some it may be convenient to study God's Word in the middle of the night, since some may have work that causes them to be awake and have time during the night seasons, such as a security guard. For others, they may find it is more convenient to study the Word in the daytime, since many sleep at night but are able to make some time for study during the day. Whatever may be a person's schedule, to give the meditation on God's Word the importance that it must have to make it a part of our life means to be willing to put something else aside to make time for the study of His Word. The BBN BI is designed to give the student of the Scriptures this flexibility in his or her schedule. There is no time when classes are not in session. The excellent teachers who teach the Word of God in the BBN BI, such as Donald R. Hubbard, Lehman Strauss or Erwin Lutzer, are available and ready to teach night and day! All the student needs is that willingness and the availability is there! We believe this is important, and as the writer to the Hebrews said in chapter 10, verse 25 of that Epistle, "so much the more as ye see the day approaching." Since we do not know the Day of our Lord's appearing, we want to be found faithful whenever that time may be. Go to www.bbnbi.org at anytime and study God's Word; oh, and tell some friends about us!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
5/12/2011 9:33 AM
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