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A Passion to Tell


A Passion to Tell


The year was 1953 and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn lay in a surgical ward in a Russian camp hospital hoping to survive cancer surgery.  Solzhenitsyn would later write this story and about his eight years in the “Gulag” (forced labor prison camps) for his critical remarks of the infamous Communist leader, Joseph Stalin.  A doctor acquaintance came into his deserted, hospital ward and sat beside his cot.  That dark, lonely night fighting off delirium, Solzhenitsyn listened to Dr. Boris Kornfeld solemnly and passionately tell of conversion to Christ.  This well educated, Jewish camp Doctor who was unjustly incarcerated in the Gulag told how his cell mate had shared with him the truths of Christianity and how he himself had come to place his trust in Christ as his Savior.  Kornfeld had confined himself to the camp hospital for two months because of some that wanted to end his life.  In the wee hours of the morning he left the ward and left Solzhenitsyn to his thoughts.  In a few hours Solzhenitsyn was awakened by the noise of hurried orderlies carrying the mutilated body of Boris Kornfeld to an operating table because he had been repeatedly bashed in the head with a mallet during the early morning hours.  The words he had shared that night before concerning his new found faith were his last.  It was those words that caused Solzhenitsyn to turn from Marxist atheism to Jesus Christ.

Have you ever realized that you are a sinner in the eyes of the all knowing, holy Creator, God of heaven?  Have you yet turned from your sin to trust His provision for your forgiveness and righteousness?  Jesus said of Himself: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man can come to Father but by me.”  The Bible goes on to tell, “He that believes on the Son has everlasting life and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him.”

You say you have received Christ as your Savior?  Are you sharing with others how you came to trust Him?  Maybe you are like others who feel unsure how to go about sharing your faith.  BBNBI offers a course you will want to take: PERSONAL EVANGELISM.  This course is taught by a man that God has used to successfully introduce thousands to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world – Dr. Sumner Wemp.  We here at BBN Bible Institute hope you will take advantage of this practical and helpful course.  Please share this course opportunity with a friend.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  4/18/2013 2:55 PM
Number of Views:  6241

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