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One of the features of the BBN Bible Institute is that a student can study the Word of God literally at anytime of the day or night. Classes are always open and the Bible teachers are always ready to lead us to find the spiritual treasures that have been hidden in the Scriptures for us and from which we can profit. Since we have BI students registered from around the world, it may be that while many of us are sleeping that someone else is pouring over the Word of God finding living water to quench the burning desire of fellowship with the God who created them.

We may not realize just how valuable the study of God’s Word should be to us since the Bible is so accessible in our day and time. To show the importance of being able to study the Word of God, a BBN BI student recently contacted us who was having a technical problem with her computer. Though she had already begun her studies and had completed some courses, for whatever reason she had trouble and was not able to log back in to continue studying. She contacted us here at BBN, seeking technical assistance. This dear lady had literally stayed up all night the evening before, scanning her computer for a possible virus or other problem that was keeping her from being able to continue. We are thankful to report that she received the technical help that she needed from the BBN BI staff and now she is able to continue studying the incomparable Word of God!

We can all take a lesson from this dear saint of God. She has realized the tremendous importance of studying the Word of God and was willing to lose an entire night of sleep just to be able to continue studying its matchless truths. It reminds us of the Lord Jesus Himself who the Scripture records stayed up all night in prayer. Also, the Bible records a time when He rose early in the morning so that He could gain spiritual refreshment from His Father, after a typical day of grueling ministry to the lost and dying crowds that He daily reached out to. The Word of God is an unmatched spiritual resource to give us strength for the journey with God that leads all the way to Heaven. If you are not already signed up as a student of the BBN Bible Institute, we invite you to come to and sign up to study the Word of God online free, and classes are always open.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  5/24/2013 1:34 PM
Number of Views:  6137

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