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I was slandered horribly

I was slandered


“I was slandered horribly by a brother in my church. I told him that I forgave him; but, I was still very, very bitter and I didn't know what to do.” This is the testimony of one of our BBN radio listeners and Bible Institute students. She continued in her note: “I listened to the last lesson about Joseph, concerning bitterness and the sovereignty of God. INSTANT HEALING. PRAISE THE LORD!!!! This lesson must have been recorded years ago; but, it reached my ears just now!!! God is amazing.”

It is this kind of note that reminds us why we do what we do here at Bible Broadcasting Network. We share God’s word in every means we can so that God can work His great work in people’s minds and lives. Know any one that needs a life change? Anyone that needs to grow in their faith?  Please tell them we are here for them.  ( - 24 hour all-Christian radio, Bible Institute and Chat are available here).

Maybe you have questions or issues you wish to talk with someone that will guide you in the Scriptures to find help and hope, or perhaps you have friends or family that could benefit from such. BBN chat (online and confidential) may be just what you need!

Has God done anything special in your life through BBN radio or one of our Bible Institute courses? We'd love to hear your story.  You can share with us on Facebook or by email. God is amazing!

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  2/7/2014 2:22 PM
Number of Views:  6124

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