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How To Dissolve Anger

How To Dissolve Anger

Have you ever been around someone that keeps score? Not someone that keeps up with the score at a sporting event, but someone who keeps meticulous mental and emotional notes of actual or perceived wrongs done against them. If you have been around someone like this, or if you know someone like this, or even worse, if we are someone like this, have you noticed that keeping score in this manner doesn’t avoid resentment, but just the opposite?  Actually, it drives resentments deeper and deeper into such a person’s heart. Resentments can easily become rage whether inward or outwardly expressed, until they become bitterness that not only poisons the one who is bitter but also inevitably spills over onto others and soon adversely affects all who are influenced by such a one. One writer in Scripture spoke of this when he wrote: “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled…” (Heb.12:15)

Sometimes we hear it implied or even spoken that expressing our rage is positive and even helpful, but when we realize where rage comes from, that it is actually congealed anger that has not been properly dealt with and is selfish in nature, it becomes obvious this is not healthy whether for the enraged one or any in his path! And yet, anger that is not rightly dealt with, that becomes rage that is held in can actually adversely affect one physically. So, how does one correctly deal with anger? The Bible has the answer to that important question, as Paul wrote to the Ephesians: “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.” (Ephesians 4:26-27)

How can one be angry yet not sin? Well, we don’t want to leave you hanging, but we want you to know that the BBN Bible Institute ( offers a free Bible course that deals with this very issue. It is not really about anger though, it is about love! The Bible teaches us the cure for destructive anger and rage is God’s kind of love. God’s kind of love can only come from a relationship with God through the One that showed the greatest love that has ever been see in time and eternity, the love of His Son Jesus Christ when He died for sinners on the cross at Calvary! The Spirit of God who comes into our life the moment we receive Christ can wash our anger away and dissolve it! Isn’t that wonderful! The course mentioned is 20300 Love In The Home, taught by Bible teacher, Richard Strauss. We highly recommend it, no matter your need, and if you are blessed by it, please share the news with a friend.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  2/14/2014 12:49 PM
Number of Views:  6612

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