Starvation DIET?
Starvation Diet?
Many of our students have walked through doctrinally parched denominations and have existed on starvation diets sitting in churches that have served them tiny bites of spiritual food and thimble sized containers of the water of Divine truth. To see them eat freely, and drink deeply from the sloshing buckets of seasoned, dedicated Bible teachers and to hear the excitement and joy that is bubbling from their refreshed souls is truly thrilling.
Some students have walked with God for long years and are in good churches but they too are excited with their find of BBN Bible Institute (BBNbi.org). They are like old trees at springtime with beautiful and new flaming flowers colorfully accenting their old trunks.
One of our students wrote:
have been greatly blessed by the studies.I have been able to see things
that I have never before seen in the scriptures. I am falling in love
with the Gospel all over again, and I am feeling more assured of my
personal walk and the direction in which I am going. I thank you so much
for this.
It is awesome to see how God has allowed BBN to use today’s technology to make the teaching of God’s Word available to the world, at no cost to the students, and at their disposal any hour of the day and any day of the week. Share the good news with your friends and invite them to drink from the cool refreshing wells of the Bible Institute. With faith and anticipation we look forward to seeing God miraculously generate growth in more lives. We would be pleased to hear how God uses these studies to bless your life.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
2/21/2014 2:04 PM
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