Challenge has Concluded
CONGRATULATIONS to each of our Faithful Finishers! Challenge 30 was like an international marathon. Thousands of participants from many countries lined up on Feb. 15 with a goal to run for 30 days taking as many BBN Bible Institute courses as possible. Some were inexperienced and it was real demanding for them; others had run this race in the past and it was more comfortable for them. We had some high octane, high achievers who really flew with the Challenge and completed numerous courses. We are sincerely appreciative of all who participated. So many lives have been helped and the faith of many was reignited to study God’s word and to hear from His Spirit concerning the truth from the Scriptures. We have had so many responses. We have been overwhelmed with the helpful notes that have come to us! Thank you! If we haven’t yet heard back from you what you learned from your course/s and how God has been working in your life, we would really like to.
Here are two notes for you to appreciate. I have read the Bible numerous times and love books that have to do with God, but these courses make the Bible come alive and there is no comparison to the wealth of information each instructor brings to the table. Every course is great. I have never dropped a course because every course is that good. If you want to know God and the Bible, you need to come here to learn. The instructors are in sync where the Rapture is concerned. That surprised me more than just about anything. God bless you and everyone at the BBNBI. Debra
I finished 4 courses in the last 30 days. I started with BBN a few years back and it has been a while since I took so much time for BBN or any other Bible Course. Challenge 30 gave me the push I needed… Each of these Courses showed me that there is always something new to learn from the Bible. From the easy passages as well as the ones that are difficult to understand. Thank you for this opportunity to learn more about the Bible and our Lord Jesus. Sereina It is our prayer and desire that you will continue on a regular basis your studies. Now that you have gained a little momentum, keep it going! If you were unable to seize the moment in our Challenge, perhaps now would be a good time for you to begin a course.
We do have a Suggested Order of Study for those who would like to approach their studies in a systematic and more chronological plan.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
3/16/2015 4:01 PM
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