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Still Standing - How is it possible

Still Standing!
How Is It Possible

More than 4000 seasons have battered, blessed, baked and bathed “Big Tree” in Rockport, Texas. With a trunk 35’ around, a height of 44’ and a crown of 89’, the tree is quite a specimen. Just a few weeks ago, Hurricane Harvey swept through the area with winds exceeding 130 mph and Big Tree stood firm in the savage tempests. Trees, vehicles, homes and businesses were devastated by the rains and winds, but Big Tree is still standing! You can imagine for a tree to survive 1,000 years, many people have had to maintain and protect it. Many thousands of dollars have been spent for its preservation through the centuries.

Like Big Tree, BBN is still standing. For forty six years BBN has daily, and without cost, provided inspiring Christian music and Bible teaching to the masses. While many other Christian stations have sold, gone out of business or changed their programming to entertainment centers, BBN is still broadcasting music that ministers to the heart and the Gospel that saves and sustains.

At this time each year we have our Fall Share-a-thon. It is a time when God’s people rally with us to help support and maintain this ministry for another year. We ask people to notify us to let us know how much they will give to help support us over the next 12 months. Many share a monthly gift, others give a sacrificial, one-time gift. What would God want you to do to help us stand for another year to proclaim God’s word to you and to the nations of the world?

The Share-a-thon is October 2 - 5. You can click here to participate (Faith Promise) and to help us stand another year. May we count on you?

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  9/27/2017 4:31 PM
Number of Views:  5027

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