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Remember Where It All Comes From
Remember Where
It All Comes From

As I was en-route in my commute recently, the truth struck me as to how blessed I am. We all have so much much to be thankful for and sometimes the reality of this passes by us as an unread sign on the roadway. We see the sign but the wording on it doesn’t register with our brain. There are those things I have thanked the Lord for, obvious blessings and pleasures. And yet, there are more.

I have been immeasurably impacted and benefited by my parents. Their direction, love, nurturing, discipline, and decisions are still blessing me though I am far down the life’s road and though they have gone on to heaven. The fact that I have not been wounded by alcoholism or drugs; I have developed a good work ethic and remained within the confines of the law; I know the joy of being a child of God and have an appetite for Biblical preaching and godly music: these are not accomplishments that I can take credit for. No, these are gifts and benefits that have been woven into the fabric of my life by the Father above! As the Scripture says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father…

Are there more things you should thank the Father for? Things in the rear view of your memory? Things you may haven’t mentioned to Him in some time? Things obscured in the fabric of your life?  Remember where every good gift comes from. Great is our Lord and greatly to be praised!


Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  11/22/2017 12:26 PM
Number of Views:  4439

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