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Doubts Cleared Away!

Doubts Cleared Away!

A veteran Christian, a man who had been walking with the Lord many years, called us at BBN recently and shared with much enthusiasm and gratefulness that a course he had just completed in his studies in the BBN Bible Institute had literally been used of the Lord to revolutionize his Christian walk! He had actually been troubled concerning a certain aspect of his faith, and even though he did not realize it at the time he began studying the course, the truths taught in it were just what he needed to get him moving again in a crucial area of the faith. This man is not the only one who has contacted us regarding the blessing this particular course has been in their lives, but he is the most articulate in delineating that which the Lord had done in clearing up some doubts and fears that disturbed his faith. He had been troubled for many years concerning whether he had sufficiently repented when he had come to the Lord many years ago. We wouldn’t be surprised if more of us haven’t struggled somewhat with this same issue or similar concerns regarding repentance. When this gentleman began studying 12100 The Doctrine of Repentance in the BBN Bible Institute, Scripture, not man’s wisdom, was used so that questions that had plagued this dear brother were cleared up and his walk with the Lord became more joyful and he is now more confident in sharing his faith! We recommend this course to you as well, along with the many others that are available free of charge. May the Lord bless you, and please, share the blessings with a friend!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  11/13/2017 3:50 PM
Number of Views:  4508

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