It's Working!
A steady stream of encouraging news, as to what God is doing in peoples lives through the ministries of BBN, keeps coming in!
BBN Chat Hi! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the ability to reach out to a wonderful believer in the BBN chat room tonight. It was a awesome experience to be counseled with Scripture verses, wisdom and sound biblical teaching from a beautiful child of God that was faithfully working for Jesus in the Chat room tonight. May God richly bless this amazing ministry! This was the first time that I have ever used the chat room ministry at the BBN website, it is a huge blessing in my life!! Sandra
BBN Radio I was on active duty and returned from Afghanistan in 2013 when my husband was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma. The cancer was everywhere - brain, lungs, bone, liver. The Lord worked through BBN to provide me with strength and comfort and always reminded me that I was never alone. BBN helped me through many dark days. Praise God, my husband received excellent medical care and is alive and doing well today. I am forever grateful for your ministry. God bless you BBN.
BBN Bible Institute I suffered a divorce and was VERY bitter, the study on Joseph brought me to Joseph telling his brothers "you meant what you did for harm, But GOD meant it for good." That message lifted my bitterness and refocused my mind toward GOD. I have received my diploma and am trying to show CHRIST's love along the way. Arthur
Your prayers are working and your financial gifts are making a difference!
THANKS for listening, THANKS for praying, and THANKS for giving!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
10/27/2017 4:28 PM
Number of Views: