How Can We Keep From Falling?
How Can We Keep From Falling
A short while ago, another date passed in which another false prophet had predicted that our world would end. I do not know how many people were duped by this man, but it recalls a very real case where someone fell for another such false prophet and lost his life savings. An exact time was predicted a few years ago by a well-known name in religious circles in which the world was to end and Jesus Christ was to take His people home, though he had previously taught that no one knows the day or hour. A reporter had followed this gentleman who had sold all his possessions to wait on the Lord’s return and when the predicted time came without the Lord’s return, there is no way to accurately record the disillusionment on his face and the betrayal he experienced.
How do we keep from falling for these predictions that are sure to continue? Obviously the best way is to know Scripture accurately! BBN Bible Institute offers this course free: 41100 Daniel, A Focus on Prophecy taught by Dr. John Walvoord. Dr. Walvoord points out in this study, if we begin to understand this key prophetic Book, we’ll also be prepared to understand more and more of other prophetic Scriptures as well. We invite you to take this helpful course and we hope you will enlist a friend to do the same
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
5/3/2018 1:33 PM
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