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The Mechanics of the Christian Life

Let’s say that you buy a brand new car and that you drive that new car every day in heavy traffic. Your new car performs well for quite awhile and you really are thankful for the car. But as time goes on, let’s say that you never take time to perform needful maintenance on the car such as changing the oil, having it tuned up and the like. What will inevitably happen to this once brand new car after an extended time of no maintenance? We all know that the car’s performance will begin to wane and eventually if not tended to, the car will stop performing at all! It may be that we have never thought about the Christian Life in these same terms. When we trust the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, we have begun the Christian Life and we are very thankful for the salvation that Christ has given us! Yet if we never take the time to read and meditate on the Word of God and pray to our Savior, we will soon find that our performance in every day Christian experience will begin to wane and eventually we will find ourselves out of fellowship with our Savior.

The Christian Life requires that we observe certain responsibilities that God has given us so that we remain fresh in our fellowship with the Lord. Some of the responsibilities include daily prayer, Bible meditation and fellowship with a local body of believers in a Bible-believing church along with sharing the saving message of the Christ who is living within our hearts. These responsibilities are true of Christian leaders, but they are equally true of all believers in Christ. The BBN Bible Institute is delighted to be able to offer a course of study that focuses in on certain principles of Christian leadership that can benefit not only those in leadership roles among Christians but all believers as well. This course is taught by the long-time ministry consultant to many Christian leaders throughout the years, Dr. Henry Brandt. This course is numbered 50400 in the Electives Division of the Bible Institute and would be a practical help in living for the Lord Jesus in any setting in life. We trust that this course will be a blessing to all of our students seeking to serve the Lord more effectively in the new year.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  1/17/2008 11:44 AM
Number of Views:  7060

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