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What Would Jesus Say?
This Sunday morning as you were beginning your church service, let’s say there came an extremely bright light streaming through the cracks in the closed church doors! Then, without even the door being cracked, let alone opened, an awesome Figure stepped in and spoke with such authority and power that everyone’s ears began ringing with the sound. Obviously everyone’s attention is on this amazing Person who came in without even opening the door! As He made His way to the front of the church, everyone noticed that He was dressed as a priestly King with awesome feet that shined as if they were perfectly refined bronze! As He took the pulpit, everyone had to look away, His eyes were so awesome in their piercing gaze right into the heart! As He began to speak, it was obvious that He was about to tell you what He thought about the church. What would He say?

We all know from the tremendous picture of Christ given in Revelation chapter one that this was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ in His glorified body about to speak about the church. We know what He said regarding the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 that covers the entire period of the church age from the birth of the church up until its snatching away at the Rapture. These seven churches were not only seven literal churches of Jesus’ day, they also represent churches and their problems and the prescription for victory over those problems even today.

We know that our Lord Jesus will not come in this awesome form into any of our churches this Sunday, but it is a very important consideration to ask what He would say about our particular church? Just as He threatened certain judgment on Ephesus that had left its first love for Him, just so He does today for the same malady. He also commends and encourages the persecuted believers who continue standing firm for Him in the midst of unspeakable torture. Just where are we as a church today in our relationship with the risen Christ? No doubt He knows all about it, even the things we have tried to hide from others or even ourselves. The best course of action is to let Him diagnose our problem and then to implement His instruction before it is too late. What would Jesus say about your church? To find out, go to and access course number 11900, The Essence of the Church as taught by Dr. Erwin Lutzer. This excellent course on Jesus’ letters to the seven churches of Revelation just may help to avert spiritual catastrophe from occurring in your congregation.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  5/5/2008 10:06 AM
Number of Views:  7521

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