Too Heavenly-Minded?
I suppose just about all of us have heard the old maxim that someone is so heavenly-minded that he or she is of little or no earthly good. This would
be true if the
so-called heavenly-mindedness was not connected to Biblical truth. If being heavenly-minded is
connected to Bible truth then this old adage is patently and even dangerously false! The
person that has his focus on this earth only and all of its Christ-rejecting
beliefs and agendas will be so wrapped up in his own world and thoughts that he
cannot be of any eternal help for anyone. But the believer who has his mind
focused on Christ and the glories above where He is will have the mind of
Christ who the Bible says went about everywhere doing good! The world tries to pass off the
false idea that evil
is somehow exciting and enjoyable while Biblical godliness is boring and
laughable. Actually it is this mindset that would be laughable if it were not
so deceptive and potentially soul-destroying.
The point we are trying to make is that the believer in Christ has not only a
glorious future ahead but also a tremendous present life in Christ! The New
Testament Book of Ephesians is a wonderful resource to help us as believers to
get our minds raised high above the present circumstances and sinfulness of
this present evil world-system, and help us focus on the beauty of the Lord. As
we do this we are then more able to cope with the problems and pains not only
of our own lives but also in the lives of others!
You and I as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have a majestic future, but
when we get to Heaven we will make a startling discovery! When we get to Heaven
we'll find that we have already been there! How can this be? In our position
right here and now, Paul tells the Ephesian believers and us by extension that
we are seated in the heavenly places in Christ! Knowing this and acting on it each day certainly
makes a difference in our lives so that we can then make a difference in the
lives of others!
The BBN BI is simply delighted to offer course number 32100, Ephesians taught by the late Dr. Bob
Dowie. We trust that this course will help you to appreciate and to act on the
unsearchable riches that we have in Christ!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
5/19/2008 9:26 AM
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