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Tried and True!


Tried and True!

A soldier was in the middle of a fierce battle in wartime, and in the blink of an eye, fire from an enemy sniper hit him and he fell into a shell hole, alive but in great pain. The enemy kept firing and eventually drove the rest of the men in his battalion back and away from him. As he lay in the hole, he began to think about his life, in which he had never took a single thought of God, nor had he ever prayed a single prayer. He took pride in his physical strength and looked down on those he considered weak. But now he as the weak one and he began to think about what may lie ahead for him. He knew enough about God to know he was a sinner and not likely to be accepted into Heaven as he was. He began to think on his short 30 years on this earth, and then cried out for help in case anyone may be in the area to hear. Also for the first time, as he thought about eternity, his heart was gripped with fear. At that moment, seemingly out of nowhere, some words came to his mind. The words were, " upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me." He didn't know what those words meant, but he figured they were from the Bible. Though he'd never prayed, he cried out to God, saying that if God was real, and would hear a sinner such as himself, then this was his day of trouble and he was calling to Him. At that, he relaxed for a moment, and then heard someone ask where he was. He raised up as much as he could so a friendly soldier could recognize him, and after some more enemy fire had miraculously missed taking him out, he awoke in a base hospital. He immediately asked someone for a Bible. The chaplain told him where to find the verse that had earlier come to him, and he read and read that Bible until he met Christ there, and did just what the verse had said, he glorified God, and he did so for the rest of his life! 

The Psalms, though written hundreds of years before Christ came into the world, reveal and picture our wonderful Savior in such a clear way that only God could have provided them! The BBN Bible Institute proudly offers a great course in which some specially selected Psalms are shared which reveal their relevance today just as much as they were when written. The BBN BI is found at, and the Studies in these Selected Psalms is course number 30800, taught by Dr. Stanley Collins. May the Lord bless you richly as you study and as you share this great free resource with your friends.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  3/2/2011 2:20 PM
Number of Views:  6722

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