What is Wrong With Us?
What is Wrong With Us?
When we look around us, and even within us, and we’re honest, we must admit that there is something wrong on a fundamental level: people killing people heartlessly, brutally and daily. Death and disease have permeated all that we see, and even if we find something that brings us earthly happiness, it is fleeting and will ultimately end in death. One Bible writer looked at it all and cried out, all is vanity! What is the cause and more importantly, what is the answer, or is there an answer? One thing is for sure, there is a war going on all around us, and one of the major underlying causes of the cultural war we see in our society today is ignorance in regard to man. A man that was an atheist said after coming to Christ that one of the factors God used in his life to point him to the Lord was a job he was given while serving in the military. He was to simply view the destruction caused by the largest nuclear bomb ever unleashed on the world. He said that it caused him to think concerning man’s ability to destroy, and caused him for the first time to think of what may be beyond the grave. He began to realize in a small way what it meant that man was created as a moral being, which as he would soon learn, included the freedom to choose our own way rather than our Creator’s way, which is sin. It is this choosing our own way that has caused the chaos we see around and within us.
What we need is a brand new birth! And God, who loved man even though we have chosen our own way, has made a way for us to have that new birth! The Bible tells us that God so loved us that He sent His Son to die in our place and to shed His blood which cleanses us from all sin! This may sound simplistic, or as has often been the charge, too simple, but truth is usually simple and error is usually complex and confusing. If you or someone you care about is suffering today from going your own way and it has not brought the completeness and deep satisfaction you thought, we have some life changing courses from God’s Word that have the answer. One course is The Doctrine of Man by Dr. Renald Showers, number 11400, and another is the Doctrine of the New Birth, number 10600, taught by Dr. Stephen Davey. We are always glad to hear from our students, and we’d love to hear from you how these or other courses in our free, online BBN Bible Institute have helped you (BBNBI.org).
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
1/13/2015 2:05 PM
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