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Fisherman’s Find Brings Families Together
Fisherman’s Find
Brings Families Together

Konrad Fischer was fishing in the Baltic Sea and from his net he retrieved a 101 year old beer bottle. To his surprise, inside the bottle was a faded Danish postcard. He had the card investigated by museum specialists and they discovered who the writer was and then contacted his granddaughter, Angela. Though Angela had never met her grandfather who had died before her birth, she was excited by the find! The plans are for further research to be done on the note to decipher the text that has greatly faded. This improbable find has brought families closer together.

Today we have a Book that many are in the process of discovering, not by scholarly researchers in distant museums but by students desiring to know the Author. It is God’s book,the Bible. And those who are His children have great interest in His messages. He has preserved His word so that all generations may know Him and receive His Savior, Jesus Christ. This Book will bring children of God’s family closer together.

How sad that some get far more excited over a 100 year old undecipherable message in a bottle than they do in the life changing words sent from God himself! God desires to communicate with you. Are you seeking to hear Him? To know His word and Him? January is a perfect month to begin the adventure of a new study in the Bible. BBN Bible Institute offers online 117 courses at no cost to you. Be sure to share this resource with your friends!

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  1/21/2015 1:05 PM
Number of Views:  6278

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