Tick, tick, tick…
Tick, tick, tick…
Less than 8,760 minutes now; tick, tick, tick... 2016 has arrived! Last years' 8,784 hours are gone! Another 527,040 minutes ticked off the clock of your life. Sadly, some that were with us last year have spent their last year on this earth. Time is brief and fleeting! What can we do to invest it rather than passively allow it to dissipate into the mists of another spent year, or worse yet, to squander it? What can we invest ourselves and our time into that has lasting value? When you think about it, that is a pretty short list. Two of these are: the souls of people and the Scriptures.
How can you invest more of your 8,760 allotted minutes of 2016 into these? Did you spend enough time in the Scriptures last year? Now is a good time to begin a study that will help you to move closer to God. Here’s a great suggestion for you, The Bible From God To Us. This course also includes one lesson on how to get more from your reading of Scripture. We have 116 other courses to choose from. 17,954 earned one of our Bible Institute Certificates last year for taking at least one of our courses. Were you one of these students?
One of these wrote: ...I would like to give you a feedback as a student… Since about 5 weeks I am part of the BI and so far I have taken 54 lessons. It is a rich blessing! Because the lessons are in audio it works perfectly alongside my housework. Having 5 children I’ve got a lot on my plate and I need to use the time wisely. Thank you very, very much for the valuable courses! Pass this good news along to your friends. Time is ticking!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
1/6/2016 1:36 PM
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