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The Only Thanker

Only One...

This ostracized group of lepers received a miracle, instant healing, all 10, at once! Ten men had cried out to Jesus for mercy and healing; what a ruckus they must have made on that crowded day. Excitedly in mass they made a beeline toward the Jewish priest who could declare them cured and their quarantine halted. But one of the ten, stopped in his tracks, and hastily made his way back to Jesus. He fell on his face in humility and loudly gave praise to God and thanks to Jesus for His healing. Jesus quickly responded, Where are the other nine? Then He went on to say to this beaming, regenerated patient: the majority made no time to express gratitude but your response is evidence of your faith!

Thankfulness is making time to demonstrate and express gratitude for what God has done in one’s life.  Perhaps too often in our world, in our homes and  in our churches we recognize our need for God’s working and we want His favor and miracles, and we are happy to be in His presence and receive some special provision, but sadly, for one reason or another we fail to recognize and express our thanks. In failing to do so, we rob God of His deserved glory. May you and I be as this lone thanker that paused in the midst of busyness and remembered the source of His blessing. Let us bend our knees, humble our hearts, and profusely praise God for His plentiful provisions and His compassion toward us.

What has He done for you this year? Have you received His salvation? Have you enjoyed spiritual nourishment, encouragement, blessing? Have you been favored by His healing, protection or financial provisions? Have you enjoyed the pleasures of family, friends, spiritual fellowship? Let us not be like the ungrateful nine, exuberant with the gift but oblivious to the Giver. Praise and gratitude are evidence of faith. Let’s express our faith in thanks!

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Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  11/22/2016 2:58 PM
Number of Views:  5163

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